The show, which gets under way in Paris from 21-25 October, will once again make innovation and discovery of the latest trends in food at the heart of the exhibition. Dorothée Gricourt, Sial’s promotion and communications director, said: “The main reason people come to Sial is to look at the latest trends and innovation – we’re recognised as being the best at revealing what you are going to be eating tomorrow.”
She said the show was now 95% booked up by exhibitors, with more than 6,000 due to attend in October, attracting up to 140,000 visitors. Meat remains a major part of the exhibition, and she said the size and numbers of exhibitors in the meat sector remained stable, and in line with last year, although cured meats was showing interesting growth.
This year’s event will also feature a live television studio at the heart of the show, with regular programmes being broadcast on the web, including debates and interviews.
Foodservice is also an area of increasing interest for Sial, and Gricourt said this year would feature a special welcome desk for foodservice visitors to guide them and help them organise their time to find the products they want.