Bacteria elimination program battles food safety fears

By Ahmed ElAmin

- Last updated on GMT

Related tags Food safety Shelf life

A method to eliminate or reduce bacteria inproducts coupled with a
certification system couldhelp processors overcome public fears
about foodsafety.

Global Food Technologies (GFT) said its iPurasystem inserts an additional "clean step" into theirproduction methods, through the distribution chain tothe retailer.

The additional food step is performed onsite byGFT's operators and service technicians using abacteria elimination and shelf life technology systemdeveloped by the company along with speciallyformulated packaging.

By creating a controlled environment within whichfood processing occurs, a clean step process, and aproprietary packaging method the system reducesbacteria and creates safer food with extended shelflife - without altering texture, taste or appearance,the company claims.

The additional processing and packaging stepoccurs within a clean room designed for themethod.

Processors who obtain an iPura food safety servicecontract with GFT are licensed to affix the iPuralabel on their products.

"With iPura everyone in the food chain canbenefit by offering what consumers aredemanding,"​ stated Keith Meeks, GFT'spresident. "We believe that iPura will beknown as a premium brand that represents a higherstandard in food safety."

Distributors, food service and grocers offeringiPura products to their customers must also stick tothe iPura pledge to maintain iPura's food safetystandard throughout the distribution chain.

GFT plans to promote the iPura certified process,service and marketing contracts with large seafoodprocessors initially, then to the meat and poultrysectors.

Related topics Food safety & quality

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