Foodchain focus for Irish presidency

Ireland kicks off the year with the presidency of Europe and, as part of the scientific programme linked to the six-month responsibility, the country will organise an international food conference for the 17 and 18 June in Dublin.

Entitled 'Thinking beyond tomorrow - a safe and nutritious food chain for the consumer', the conference will address critical issues such as new technologies and restoring public confidence in the quality and safety of food.

Alongside EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection David Byrne, and DG Research Director General Achilleas Mitsos, speakers at the event include Prof. H Brady, president, University College Dublin and Walsh minister for Agriculture and Food in Ireland.

Lord Haskins, adviser to the British government and former chairman of Northern Foods will give the conference keynote address on the first day. Topics under the spotlight during the conference include 'future food chains and gene technology' with a key presentation from Dr. B van Ommen, TNO Nutrition and Food Research, 'food safety and the food chain' - keynote speaker Dr J Schlundt, director, Food Safety Department, World Health Organisation and 'A nutritious food chain for the consumer'.

Turning to the recent, and emerging issue of bioterrorism, the European Commission will host a conference on the ethical implications of scientific research on bioweapons and the prevention of terrorism in Brussels, Belgium, on 3 and 4 February.

The conference is being organised within the context of a Fifth Framework Programme project on the bioethical implications of globalisation. It will bring together a multidisciplinary group of experts to discuss ethical implications, including risk communication, dual use technologies and the protection of humans.

UK MEP Eryl McNally will give a keynote address, while presentations on issues such as 'bioweapons against livestock', 'the science and security dilemma' and 'clinical trials in biodefence research' will be given by academics from across Europe .