eFoodSafety.com hopes to create a self-sustaining revenue stream from each truck sanitising station in this division.
Truck sanitising is a requirement in many countries and therefore a vital part in food safety. eFoodSafety.com says that the company's newly acquired patent pending ozonation process ensures that the trucks are completely sanitised prior to leaving from its departure facility.
In addition, the vehicles will receive a third party analysis and certification that states the truck is bacteria and pathogen free, thus keeping the produce free from cross-contamination. This procedure not only generates a food safe product to the end user at the arrival facility, but, says the company, dramatically limits the legal liability for the growers and shippers, as well as the cold storage warehouses.
"We anticipate this initial location will be fully operational by mid-December 2003," said e-FoodSafety.com chairman Clarence Karney. "We plan to have a minimum of four truck sanitizing stations operational by the end of calendar year 2004.
"Revenues per station are expected to average in excess of $1.7 million dollars per annum each, with net profit margins from each station conservatively estimated to exceed 20 per cent; or $350,000 per annum per station. This is a very exciting time in our company's evolution. We will swiftly turn the corner from a development stage company to a profitable, revenue producing one."
eFoodSafety.com is also expanding its range of expertise to include terminal port operations. The company believes it can provide refrigerated facilities to unload fresh fruit and vegetables directly from vessels into refrigerated rooms to satisfy fumigation, inspection and customs requirements.
The importation of fresh fruit and vegetables has increased steadily over the past twenty years. The export of fresh fruit and vegetables is approaching 80,000,000 units annually, excluding the exportation of frozen vegetables, meats and juice concentrates. When terminal port operations are in the place, the company believes it is capable of capturing 1 per cent to 2 per cent of the market.
eFoodSafety.com claims to be the only company with a patent pending chemical and inspection process that covers every aspect of protecting, certifying, and delivering food safe products. The firm says that its safety criteria exceeds current Federal Drug Administration (FDA) requirements.