Infratec reveals grain processing solutions

The annual European Infratec Grain Network meeting, held in Reims, France, revealed a number of new processing methods for grain production.

The annual European Infratec Grain Network meeting, held in Reims, France, revealed a number of new processing methods for grain production.

New Infratec application areas that generated a lot of interest were promatest as a way to determine extractable starch in corn, ergosterol screening as a way of preventing mycotoxin-contaminated grain from entering the food chain, introduction of wet gluten as a segregation parameter and the establishment of an Infratec-based flour network for the Cerealia group in Scandinavia. Insect damage, mould, starch extraction, malt modification, durum pigmentation, accreditation, the accession of new member states to the EU and sunflower analysis were among other topics covered.

The annual meeting, which was held in January and attended by delegates from 65 different bodies, covered a wide range of aspects and also produced valuable new information relating to grain quality control. Members from different networks were interested to hear about the ways in which other networks were developing their activities in quality control and application developments.

Upcoming legislation regarding mycotoxin levels in foodstuffs generated a lot of discussion. The use of presently available methods to control toxin levels is almost impossible, as the costs involved would be too high and analysis time much too long. These methods are clearly unsuitable for use at grain intake terminals. The years to come may perhaps see ergosterol screening established as part of a practical solution to a difficult problem. Only time will tell.

The meeting's organisers, Foss, claimed that the development ideas and know-how presented at the meeting generated a number of fruitful links between networks. For more information about the annual meeting and the papers delivered at it, contact