The German consumer affairs ministry called on German states and enterprises to take measures to prevent any remaining low-grade Spanish olive oil from reaching market because of health fears. Last week, Spain took the precautionary action of halting all exports of oil produced from crushed olive residues, labelled olive-pomace oil, after tests showed traces of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, known carcinogenics. Olive-pomace oil is sometimes mixed with virgin or regular olive oils and used mostly in home and industrial cooking. A consumer affairs minister spokeswoman said Germany had imported 170 tons of such oil this year, relatively little in comparison with some other countries. "As a preventative health protection measure, the ministry for consumer affairs, nutrition and agriculture has appealed to the German states and industry to review the remains of the 170 tons of Spanish olive-pomace oil and products containing this oil," the German ministry said in a statement. "They are requested to take necessary measures to protect consumers' health as soon as possible."