100-year old anti-aging tea

Related tags Senescence

According to a recent study, a medicinal tea used in the 1800s by
the Ojibway Indian tribe of Ontario, Canada, may slow and even
reverse the biological...

According to a recent study, a medicinal tea used in the 1800s by the Ojibway Indian tribe of Ontario, Canada, may slow and even reverse the biological aging process.

Dr. David Wikenheiser, an expert in biological age analysis, says results of a thirty-day trial showed that daily consumption of four ounces of the eight-herb tea formula known as Flor-Essence, reduced the biological age of volunteers in a fifteen-person test group by an average of 5.1 years.

"The combination of herbs in the tea formula produced a powerful anti- oxidative effect," says Dr. Wikenheiser.

"Controlling oxidation and free radical production within the body is key to slowing and reversing the biological aging process.

To determine the biological ages of the volunteers, Dr. Wikenheiser used the Biological Terrain Analysis (BTA), a laboratory test that measures the pH (acid/alkaline balance), oxidative load, and mineral content of blood, saliva and urine.

A computerised calculation was then generated to produce each subject's biological or true age.

According to Dr. Wikenheiser, the Ojibway herb tea formula became legendary throughout Canada after a nurse named Renee Caisse administered it in the early 1930s to patients terminally ill with cancer and other diseases.

"There are volumes of anecdotal evidence indicating the tea can produce significant health benefits, and we felt that clinical testing of the formula as an antioxidant should been undertaken," says Dr. Wikenheiser.

The Ojibway tea formula also recently underwent a study by the Russian Ministry of Health, where Chernobyl victims suffering from chronic gastrointestinal conditions including ulcers, chronic Hepatitis B, and virus-induced cirrhosis of the liver, experienced significant reductions in pain and an increase in immune cell production by the end of a four-week treatment.

There is a lot of documentation available about the anti-mutagenic, anti-oxidative and anti-microbial properties of the herbs used in this tea; however, this new study is the first one regarding the anti-aging properties of the eight-herb tea.

The individual herbs used in the Flor-Essence formula are Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrell, Slippery Elm Bark, Turkish Rhubarb, Red Clover Herb, Blessed Thistle, Kelp and Watercress.

Source: Flora, Inc.

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