Kraft and Nabisco to sell brands
Kraft Foods, Inc., the US food group, recently announced its plans
forintegrating operations of Nabisco with its Kraft Foods North
America and KraftFoods...
forintegrating operations of Nabisco with its Kraft Foods North
America and KraftFoods...
Kraft Foods, Inc., the US food group, recently announced its plans forintegrating operations of Nabisco with its Kraft Foods North America and KraftFoods International businesses. Last Thursday the U.S. Federal TradeCommission (FTC) approved the sale of Nabisco Holdings Corp. to Philip MorrisCos. Inc. on condition the firms make five divestitures. The companies mustsell off Royal Brand gelatin dessert mix, Royal Brand dry mix pudding, RoyalBrand no-bake dessert and Davis and Fleischmann's baking powder and IcebreakerMints. On a global basis, the newly merged Kraft Foods and Nabisco willrepresent a $35 billion packaged food company, with $5.5 billion in underlyingoperating companies income.