French ban cow intestines in food

The French government announced last week that it would ban cow intestines from food because of fears it might transmit 'mad cow disease,' to humans,...

The French government announced last week that it would ban cow intestines from food because of fears it might transmit 'mad cow disease,' to humans, Reuters reported recently. French Farm Minister Jean Glavany said the government had decided to accept the opinion of French food safetyagency AFSSA that cattle intestine posed a risk of transmitting to humans the fatal brain-wasting disease also known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Glavany said the ban would affect processed meatproducts that use cow intestine as an envelope. The French charcuterie, or processed meats, federation said the ban would affect some 70 companies that produce 15,000 tonnes, or 1.5 billion French francs' ($199.5 million) worth, of food each year using the targeted ingredients.