Healthy foods

What can company founders tell us about successful product development?

How do start-ups approach new product development?


Some of the best and brightest innovation in the food and drink industry comes from start-ups – so how do they approach NPD? And what can companies of all sizes learn from their approach?

More than a myth: The science behind the Mediterranean diet

More than a myth: The science behind the Mediterranean diet

By Niamh Michail

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been firmly established – we all know that we should eatmore fresh fruit and vegetables, use olive oil, eat whole grains, nuts and pulses, a few dairy products and a little meat – but why do we know it?FoodNavigator...

A new method for cooking rice that could slash calories by increasing levels of resistant starch may have applications for food companies using rice.

Changing how rice is cooked could cut calories

By Nathan Gray

A novel cooking and cooling process for rice could help slash the number of calories absorbed by the body by more than half by increasing levels of resistant starch, say researchers.

The company would like to intensify growth in Europe and Asia, it said.

Barentz reveals expansion plans after gaining added funds

By Joyeeta Basu

On the back of a deal with a ‘strong’ equity partner, Barentz International will use the additional funds to accelerate growth in its key markets in Europe, India, China and Asia Pacific, it said.

Reducing waste is the top priority, but food companies and retailers are also working together to redistribute surplus food

How retailers are working with suppliers to fight food waste

By Fintan Hastings, external affairs adviser, British Retail Consortium

The close relationship between supply chain partners means they are well-placed to help each other tackle food waste, says Fintan Hastings, external affairs adviser at the British Retail Consortium.

Rice and oats were most prone to contamination with sterigmatocystin , the report said.

Low mycotoxin levels found in European cereals, EFSA

By Joyeeta Basu

A study by the European Food Safety Authority of cereal grain and cereal products has found low levels of mycotoxin sterigmatocystin in most of the samples to be below proposed limits.

The organisation wants any pesticides with evidence of harm to bees taken off the shelves

Campaigners win case against Bayer over pesticide bee claims

By Joyeeta Basu

Friends of the Earth Germany has said it will step up its fight to protect bees after German chemical giant Bayer CropScience failed to sue it in court for claiming that a pesticide manufactured by the company could harm bees.

There is direct link between processed food with high-level of sugars and obesity, said IDF.

Reduce marketing of sugar-rich products, says WHO

By Joyeeta Basu

The World Health Organisation has said that companies need to reduce the marketing of sugar-rich products if consumers are to slash their intake to 10% of daily calories.

WHO releases final sugar advice for children and adults

Academics and industry clash over WHO sugar advice

By Joyeeta Basu

Academics have welcomed the WHO’s recommendation to slash added sugar intake to 5-10% of calories – but the food industry has said it is misleading and based on weak evidence.

 Environmentalists want the Commission to either match their targets or increase them.

Commission bins waste & recycling programme

By Joyeeta Basu

The European Commission (EC) has dropped an environment programme on waste, incineration and recycling laws because it did not “complete the circle” of creating zero waste in Europe.

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