Healthy foods

'Vegan athletes play an integral part in furthering the meat-free movement,' says the Vegan Society

Special edition: Protein

Vegethletics: Are you running on plants?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The ‘no meat athlete’ movement is showing that animal protein isn’t the only track available to sportspeople – and in turn this is smashing old perceptions about what it is to be vegan and vegetarian, says the Vegan Society.

“We see opportunities for scientifically justified nutritional products…”

EFSA issues medical foods guidance


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued guidance on how firms can compile “well-structured dossiers” for medical foods that may be permitted in the EU’s 28 nations as momentum to update archaic laws grows.

Seaweed follows in the footsteps of 'global trailblazer' Scotch whiskey

Could Scottish seaweed be the next Scotch whisky?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Scottish seaweed industry seems set to boom as the country's government prepares an expansion policy and company Mara Seaweed seeks over €700,000 to take its condiments global.

UK law to fight slavery in big firm supply chains

UK law to fight slavery in big firm supply chains

By Niamh Michail

New legislation will require all large firms in the UK to report on their fight against slavery in the supply chain - but experts say the 'opt out' clause means its success could be limited.

65+ population to almost double to 1.1bn by 2030; protein seen as a big opportunity

Food industry fail? Elderly nutrition

By Lauren Bandy

The food industry is missing a billion euro trick when it comes to ageing population, says Lauren Bandy, senior nutrition analyst at Euromonitor International.

Wholegrain consumption may prevent early death

Wholegrain consumption may prevent early death

By Niamh Michail

A high wholegrain intake may lower the mortality rate regardless of wholegrain type or cause of death, say researchers in a 120,000-strong Scandinavian cohort study.

The challenges of selling insects in Europe

The challenges of selling insects in Europe

By Niamh Michail

EU regulation is confusing but with growing consumer demand, it's still an attractive market. FoodNavigator spoke to five companies about the challenges of selling insects in Europe.

Almonds only grow in Mediterranean climate zones, like California

How is Californian drought affecting almond supply?


California provides 83% of the world’s almonds, but drought is affecting supply. FoodNavigator spoke to the Almond Board of California about how the industry is tackling water shortages – and why so much of the world is reliant on Californian almonds.

Combining protein sources for better flavour and lower cost could hold future potential, Mintel said

What’s next for protein?


Meat and dairy consumption has fallen from favour in many European countries and consumers are increasingly on the lookout for foods and drinks high in plant-based protein, according to Mintel analysts.

The work was approved at the 38th CAC meeting

dispatches from codex alimentarius, geneva

Codex backs work on international standard for quinoa

By Joseph James Whitworth

Bolivia and the US have been given the go ahead to work on an international standard for quinoa by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC).

Non-GMO labels are on the rise in Europe – but why?

By Niamh Michail

Non-GMO labels are on the rise in European countries – but unlike the US, EU legislation requires all food containing above trace levels of GM to be labelled. So is there even a need for GMO-free?

Foodies tend to have lower BMIs - so encouraging adventurous eating may be an interesting strategy to help people lose weight without feeling restricted by a limited diet, say the researchers.

The psychology of the adventurous - and unadventurous - eater

By Niamh Michail

Neophiles, foodies or adventurous eaters? There may not be one catch-all term but adventurous eaters share common personality and lifestyle traits – allowing researchers to identify ways to get the less adventurous to try new foods.

Can sustainable foraging go mainstream?

By Niamh Michail

Commercial foraging is on the rise, influencing mainstream flavour trends and giving companies a sense of heritage, say market analysts - but is it as eco-friendly as it seems?

'Value has been torn out of the UK milk market in recent years, as a result of the grocery retailer price wars': Mintel

How food industry can boost milk’s value: fortify it

By Michael Stones

Fortified milk could help to boost the value of milk sales, despite supermarket price war slashing the price of the white stuff to as little as 89p for a four pint bottle, according to new research from market research organisation Mintel.

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