Food safety & quality

©iStock/Handmade Pictures

Processed meat under fire over nitrate cancer risk

By Katy Askew

A coalition of scientists, medical professionals and politicians in the UK have called for nitrates to be removed from processed meats, insisting that consumption of the additive can be linked to the development of bowl cancer.

New evidence suggests any kind of light can spoil dairy products

By Beth Newhart

Light protection services and certification company Noluma has released new research that tackles the effects of light exposure on milk and other dairy products. Vitamin A, vitamin D and riboflavin levels in milk all begin to deplete after just two hours.


EFSA okays efficacy of lactic acid dips for pork cuts

By Niamh Michail

Spraying and dipping pork carcasses and cuts with lactic and acetic acid does not pose safety concerns but only lactic acid dips for pork cuts beats water washes for pathogen-killing efficacy, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) scientists concluded.


Guest article

How next-generation sequencing will impact your food safety program

By Sasan Amini, CEO and co-founder of Clear Labs

It is impossible to ignore next-generation sequencing (NGS) in the food industry. It is no longer just a buzzword – it’s changing food safety as we know it. By leveraging the power of NGS, food manufacturers and labs have built safer and less expensive...

More data is needed to establish 'safe' consumption levels for flowers in food ©iStock

Flowers in food ‘give rise to health concern’

By Katy Askew

The use of edible or wild flowers in food is growing in popularity but a lack of chemical and toxicological data and presence of toxic compounds in some species could be causes for concern, Danish researchers suggest.

Nofima and CRA-W launch FARNHub to report against food crime

Nofima and CRA-W launch FARNHub to report against food crime

By Natasha Spencer

Norwegian food research agency Nofima, partners with Belgium's CRA-W (Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques) to further their efforts in the fight against food crime by setting up its dedicated reporting website.

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