French soy juice manufacturers launch voluntary quality standard

By Niamh Michail

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A new certification for French manufacturers of soy juice which will give consumers greater clarity in a confusing space, says Agrifood certifying body Afnor.

The standard specifies which production methods, nutritional composition as well as the enzymatic method that should be used to determine the lactose content of soy juice. 

A spokesperson for Afnor told FoodNavigator: “This standard guarantees a production with only whole soy beans, non-GMO and that respects a traditional production process. The standard also implies that soy juice must be made with a minimum amount of 3.2 g soy protein for 100 ml [of product] and no traces of dairy products.

“Today, companies who answer to those criteria and who wish to, can mention this standard on their packaging," ​she added. 

As the term milk is protected at an EU-level and reserved for producers of milk of animal-origin, the term soy juice covers soy-based milk alternatives, said Sojaxa, the association that represents the interests of French manufacturers of soy-based foods which developed the standard in partnership with Afnor.

For the moment, the standard is only being rolled out on the French market.

Nadine Planchenault of Sojaxa said: In the course of 2017, the consumer shall identify the label NF V 29-001 on the packaging of products [and] it will be a guarantee that the manufacturer has committed to complying with all the quality criteria of the standard." 

The non-GMO element is an important in reassuring consumers, said Afnor. “More often than not, soy growing in France is associated with GMO cultivation. It is important to specify that [this] is strictly banned in France and it is one of Sojaxa’s commitments.”

The certification costs €66.72.

Sojaxa members include Alpro and Sojasun.

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