Diet and health

How do vegetable crisps compare to potato crisps, nutritionally? Image Source: Getty Images/Jenifoto

Do vegetable crisps deserve their health halo?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Colourful and classy vegetable crisps are often sought after as a ‘better-for-you’ alternative to ordinary crisps. But how accurate is this perception?

Is seasonal eating making a comeback? GettyImages/alle12

Is seasonal eating making a comeback?

By Donna Eastlake

From Egyptian potatoes to Mexican strawberries, the European food system operates on a whatever you want, whenever you want it, basis. But are consumers turning away from international imports and instead embracing local produce?

How much influence does Instagram have on vegan consumption habits? Image Source: Getty Images/Tim Robberts

Does #vegan mean vegan?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

How closely do Instagram posts using the hashtag ‘vegan’ influence the consumption habits of those engaging with them offline?

Fava beans can grow in Europe, but several problems remain. Image Source: Getty Images/MEDITERRANEAN

Can fava beans grow in Europe?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Fava beans are a leading crop used for alternative protein products. They can also be grown in Europe, making for simpler supply chains. But what issues are producers contending with?

Has the plant-based trend peaked? GettyImages/ArtMarie

Has the plant-based trend peaked?

By Donna Eastlake

The plant-based trend has been on the up and up in recent years. But has it finally peaked and, if yes, can the plant-based industry do anything to prevent a decline?

Understanding the Autoimmune Protocol diet. GettyImages/Hispanolistic

Understanding the Autoimmune Protocol diet

By Donna Eastlake

Health trends are huge at the moment, with new diets and ‘superfoods’ popping up on an almost weekly basis. Enter the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet.

Consumer trust in the food industry is declining, why? GettyImages/Drazen Zigic

Trust in food industry declining

By Donna Eastlake

As consumers become increasingly engaged in understanding the contents of the foods they’re consuming, it appears that trust in the food industry is plummeting. But can that trust be restored?

Kelp seaweed: Is this the next 'superfood' trend? GettyImages/Tammy616

Kelp seaweed: Is this the next 'superfood' trend?

By Donna Eastlake

From the antioxidant effects of blueberries to the cholesterol lowering effects of chia seeds, consumers love so-called superfoods. So could kelp seaweed join the superfood family as a favourite of the wellness world?

Could tea help to prevent COVID? GettyImages/Angela Cappetta

Could tea help to prevent COVID?

By Donna Eastlake

Tea has been recognised for its health benefits for centuries. It boasts links to everything from aiding cardiovascular health to boosting the immune system, but could tea also help to prevent COVID-19?

Low-histamine diet: Is this the new food trend to watch?

Low-histamine diet: Is this the new food trend to watch?

By Donna Eastlake

Understanding of high-histamine and histamine-liberating foods is relatively new, but it’s quickly gaining consumer interest. So, what is this new trend towards consuming low-histamine foods and is it one to watch?

Consumers did not show liking towards faba beans in any of the forms in which they were presented. Image Source: Getty Images/Ulrike Leone

What are consumer attitudes to faba beans?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Faba beans are a useful ingredient across a range of foods, although sensory challenges can harm their uptake. A new study explores consumers’ attitudes to faba beans in different forms.

How much freedom should cows have? Image Source: Getty Images/DaydreamsGirl

How much time should dairy cows spend outside?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

To have a fulfilling life, cows arguably must be allowed outside. But what constitutes a ‘free-range’ cow is ambiguous. For optimum welfare, farmers must balance time outdoors and time indoors.

Could keto diet delay early Alzheimer's. GettyImages/Liudmila Chernetska

Could keto diet delay early Alzheimer's?

By Donna Eastlake

The keto diet has been linked to multiple health benefits, including lowered blood pressure and reduced blood sugar, but could it also help to combat the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease?

The reputation of non-sugar sweeteners has taken a hit in recent times. Is it deserved? GettyImages/bit245

Do non-sugar sweeteners make people hungrier?

By Flora Southey

This is the question posed by researchers, who also wanted to find out whether swapping out sugar for artificial and natural sweeteners reduces blood sugar levels.

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