Prepared foods

Danger of B12 deficiency among vegans, warn researchers

Danger of B12 deficiency among vegans, warn researchers

By Kavitha Sivasubramaniam

Researchers are warning of a potential vitamin B12 deficiency among vegans and vegetarians at a time when people are embracing plant-based diets for January, known as ‘Veganuary’.

Unilever looks at the mood-boosting potential of prebiotic ingredients / GettyImages-nastco

Unilever research tie-up targets ‘mental wellbeing’ ingredients

By Katy Askew

Unilever is partnering with microbiome experts at Holobiome to identify food and beverage ingredients that could positively impact ‘mental wellbeing’ by targeting the gut-brain axis. Unilever Science and Technology manager Dr Simone Pyle tells FoodNavigator...

Air is linked with improving 3d products which is advancing manufacturers’ efforts to retexturize foods. Image: Getty: Marina_Skoropadskaya

The biggest ingredient of future food: air?

By Oliver Morrison

Rising commodity prices put an onus on food and beverage manufacturers to exploit the opportunities presented by air as an ingredient in products, believes ‘food futurologist’ Dr Morgaine Gaye.

Image: getty/Prostock-Studio

Robots ‘ready to extend reach’ in food industry

By Oliver Morrison

There’s a strong case for the future growth of robots in food production in Europe, believes Dutch bank ING, as companies look to boost competitiveness, improve product quality and respond to rising labour costs.

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