Health & Wellbeing

Image: Getty/oonal

Why pollution is the next big food and beverage opportunity

By Oliver Morrison

Soil health and pollutant-free ingredients are now must-have environmental and health credentials that food and drink manufacturers should embrace, believes Mandy Saven, Director of Consumer Lifestyle at trends intelligence agency Stylus.


Ingredion launches polyol sweetener to tap health-conscious trend

By Oliver Morrison

Ingredion EMEA has launched its first polyol sweetener -- ERYSTA Erythritol – to enable manufacturers to reduce or replace sugar to achieve nutrition-related claims, such as ‘no added sugar’ or ‘calorie-reduced’, in multiple applications.

Hurdles stand in the way of CBD becoming a trend with sticking power ©Getty Images / Aleksandr_Kravtsov

CBD: Trending ingredient or ingredient trend?

By Katy Askew

CBD has caught the public's imagination as an ingredient offering a host of health benefits. But for all the hype, CBD also courts controversy. To move from a trending ingredient to an ingredient trend, the sector will need to overcome the complex...

6 sustainable food trends businesses must watch

6 sustainable food trends businesses must watch

By Oliver Morrison

As the food industry continues to explore plant-based innovations, they must deliberate the health and sustainability credentials of these products, according to experts.


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