Mettler Toledo Safeline is helping food and drink manufacturers clamp down on glass contamination with the introduction of an x-ray machine specifically designed to root it out in glass jars.
Loma Systems has expanded its x-ray and metal detection offering for food manufacturers with the launch of the Loma X4 SideShoot, Loma X4 FinePitch x-rays and IQ3+ PipeLine metal detector.
Technology that allows real-time x-ray inspection imaging has been
developed. Manufacturer Cintex says that the reason the
modifications made to its range of MIACS software is so innovative
is because it will allow, for the first...
The UK division of Cintex, a leader in the design, production and
manufacturing of food contaminant detection equipment, is to
preview its latest low-cost X-ray technology offerings at the CIFA
2003, to be held in Rennes, France,...