A new study into the effects of salt intake suggests that people
who reported eating less salt than is recommended by UK and US
government guidelines were 37 per cent more likely to die from
cardiovascular causes than those who ate...
Wrangling between the UK dairy industry and the country's food
watchdog is set to continue over salt slashing targets, after both
failed to reach an agreement to cut salt in blue cheese.
Newly published salt reduction targets have been cautiously
welcomed by the UK food industry as being 'more realistic than the
2005 proposals', though health campaigners are furious.
The leading global soup firm this week announced that it is to
slash salt content in its products by up to 45 percent, a move that
underlines continued industry efforts to attract consumers with a
wider variety of 'healthy'...
Some ethnic groups are more at risk of suffering from salt-related
illnesses than others, warns a UK pressure group just days before
Salt Awareness Week.
Some UK ethnic groups are at an increased risk of suffering ill
effects as a result of too much salt according to CASH, which is
making the African Caribbean population the focus of next year's
National Salt Awareness Week.
The market for salt-reduced food formulations set to rise in
Ireland as government and scientists launch campaign to slice the
salt from consumer diets.
Number two UK supermarket Asda becomes the latest food player to
slice salt from foods, announcing plans to cut the salt from its
entire range of tinned vegetables.
Joining the lively salt debate scientists at Europe's food watchdog
today issues an opinion concerning the upper limit for sodium
intake and confirm current consumption levels are a risk factor in
heart and renal diseases, reports...
Condemned for contributing to the worsening health problems in the
population, food makers are under orders to slash salt levels in
their processed food formulations but replacing this cheap flavour
enhancer is a challenge for food...
Irish Consumers are still eating twice as much salt as they should
be and bread is one of the biggest culprits, according to a new
scientific report that recommends a UK-style labelling format and
that food firms spend more money...
Sixty year olds and over who cut back their salt intake to the
recommended 6g per day could reduce their risk of a stroke by up to
31 per cent, claims a group of cardiovascular experts in the UK,
reports Lindsey Partos.
As governments challenge the high consumption of salt in their
citizens' diets, US researchers shed light on a controversial
30-year-old theory that the high rate of hypertension in certain
ethnic groups is caused, in part, by...
Bread has been highlighted as the biggest single source of excess
salt intake in Ireland, according to the country's Food Safety
Authority, which is now stepping up the pressure on Irish bakers to
act, reports Chris Mercer.
In the wake of a row that broke out earlier this month over the
most common food ingredient in the world, manufacturers in the UK
have laid out further plans to cut salt in food products.
Food makers are criticised again for the high salt content in food
products as campaign group CASH (Consensus Action on Salt and
Health) publishes new survey saying sandwiches on sale at retail
outlets are so salty they should carry...
As the US advisory body on dietary advice convenes in Washington,
D.C. to discuss salt consumption, the Salt Institute and the US
Chamber of Commerce were taking the Bush government to court,
claiming the full scientific facts on...
Meeting calls to cut the salt content manufacturers in the UK have
committed to a programme that will aim to reduce salt in processed
foods such as soups, pizzas and ready meals, according to the food
industry body, the Food and Drink...
The UK government announced this week that food manufacturers could
be forced to label food as 'high in salt' if they fail to
make significant progress in reducing the amount in their products.
Top heart charity launches 'pinch of salt' consumer awareness
campaign in the UK to tackle salt consumption while scientists in
the US investigating the link between salt and taste forsee new
healthy salts in the future.
Despite commitments to reduce the salt in processed food,
manufacturers continue to receive criticism over the issue with the
UK Food Standard Agency highlighting this week high levels of salt
in ready meals.
The British Retail Consortium has reacted strongly to the latest
moves by food producers to reduce salt in food, calling for less
rhetoric and more action. The BRC has called on the UK government
to set achievable targets for sodium...
In response to increasing demands from the consumer and health
bodies to reduce salt consumption in the diet, the UK Food and
Drink Federation (FDF), has launched an action plan to cut salt in
breakfast cereals, soups and sauces....
The UK Institute of Food Science & Technology, through its
Public Affairs and Technical & Legislative Committees, has
authorised an updated information statement on salt that replaces
that of September 1999. Read below for...
The Salt Sub-group of Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition
(SACN) met in January 2002 to begin a review of COMA's 1994
recommendation that salt intake should not exceed 6 g/day, reports
Reading Scientific Services.
Salt, traditionally used to enhance and add flavour to foods, can
pose certain problems in food manufacturing process. A new system
from UK micro-encapsulation company, TasteTech, claims to allow
manufacturers to use salt more effectively,...
Food-loving France is to cut back on salt, with a recommendation
that food companies reduce salt content in their produce by a fifth
within five years, a top public health adviser said on Thursday.