Advances in the field of scent may be key to developing healthier food - by using natural aroma molecules to make reformulated food smell saltier or sweeter - or even creating personalised flavours that are tailored to an individual's genome.
Manufacturers and suppliers have a role to play in helping elderly people enjoy a sensory connection with food, says the co-founder of Ode, a device which stimulates appetite through the use of fragrance.
Researchers aiming to identify the aroma compounds behind the distinct smell of aromatic caramel have made ‘an important step forward’ by identifying the compounds responsible for certain sensory characteristics.
A new fragrance confectionery that claims to leave the consumer smelling like roses is one of the most innovative products to hit the shelves recently, according to a Datamonitor analyst.
US researchers have investigated how quickly mammals evaluate
odours, pushing back the boundaries of understanding smell, and
having implications for the food industry.