Novel Foods

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Kemin receives novel food authorization for BetaVia Pure

By Nikki Hancocks

Kemin Industries has received novel food authorization from the European Commission for its BetaVia Pure postbiotic ingredient, a proprietary strain of the algae Euglena gracilis, with five-year exclusivity in the European market.

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UK consultation on novel food streamlining plans

By Nikki Hancocks

UK food authorities have launched a consultation to collect views on policy change proposals that aim to streamline the authorization process for regulated products such as novel foods.

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Guest Post

Embracing the ‘Art of the Possible’ in Novel Food Regulation

By David Hardstaff and John Binns

In this guest article, David Hardstaff and John Binns, Partners at BCL Solicitors, discuss a high-profile investigation into banned muscle-building drugs which highlights issues with the novel foods regime impacting the CBD industry.

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How to make a novel foods application

By Nikki Hancocks

With novel food applications on the rise, a regulatory expert has provided a breakdown of what this authorisation process is all about.

Industry welcomes EU novel foods revision

Industry welcomes EU novel foods revision

By Niamh Michail

The revised European Union novel foods regulation will stimulate innovation and give consumers more sustainable, affordable food choices, says industry trade group, FoodDrinkEurope.

The proposal would make it easier to introduce new foods into Europe that have a safe history of consumption elsewhere

Council approves final compromise text on novel foods


A European Council committee has rejected a proposal that would have allowed the European Parliament the right to veto novel foods approvals – saying this would contradict the law’s purpose to simplify authorisation.

Innovation deflation: The EU food sector partially blames novel foods laws for an R&D investment level of 1.5% of revenue, compared to 15% for the pharma industry

"As a member of Parliament, I need facts. And I think you, the food industry, have the resources to find those."

MEP defends EU novel foods laws against innovation attacks

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn from the European Parliament in Brussels

The food industry should provide facts if it expects EU decision makers to consider dismantling the controversial novel foods regulation it has long-argued discourages innovation, a UK member of the European Parliament (MEP) said at a workshop in Brussels...

“It’s going to be a really exciting time,

From the Vitafoods Europe 2014 vault

Mooted novel food changes will open exotic fruit doors in EU


Exotic and functional fruits and vegetables like cashew nut fruit, chu chu and their extracts are set for an easier passage into European Union markets if mooted simplifications to EU Novel Foods laws come to fruition, according to a UK-based expert.

Imported ethnic ingredients could pose a safety risk

Novel foods fall through Trading Standards' net

By Nicholas Robinson

Trading Standards (TS) don’t have the resources to check for the potentially dangerous unapproved novel foods illegally on sale on the UK market, it has emerged.

Consultant: ‘No need to fear EU novel foods laws’

Consultant: ‘No need to fear EU novel foods laws’


The EU’s long-winded novel foods rules have long been viewed as an innovation-crimping legal structure, but a stream-lining of the process means companies should not fear it, a consultant says.

DWC wants to market methylcellulose for foods such as ice cream

Interest in methylcellulose intensifies in EU

By Rod Addy

EU dairy and beverage manufacturers may have access to another form of the dietary fibre methylcellulose, which induces feelings of fullness ­– or satiety – if a novel foods application by Dow Wolff Cellulosics (DWC) succeeds.

Scientists during tasting session

Unilever serves warning on novel foods failure

By Rod Addy

Research and development (R&D) champion Unilever has voiced deep disappointment and frustration over the collapse of talks reviewing the 1997 EU Novel Foods Regulation, claiming it will hamper food and drink manufacturers' innovation plans.

Novel foods progress may mean removing clones

By Jess Halliday

All is not well down on the novel foods farm. If food innovation in Europe is to thrive anew, MEPs and the Council need to get past the recriminations over the failed talks and remove the troublesome question of cloned foods from the negotiating table.


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