Star-K Kosher Certification has begun providing triple inspections to certify plants and products as non-GMO, organic and kosher, which it says can save companies time and money on individually conducted inspections.
DD Williamson has succeeded in sourcing certified annatto extracts for use as food colors, opening up new possibilities for manufacturers to make organic claims on foods.
Gum Technology has launched a new natural, cold soluble carrageenan
blend said to offer an instant rich texture for products ranging
from smoothies to frozen pizza crust.
A Californian mushroom firm could face fraud investigations
following accusations that it has violated organic standards and
country of origin labeling laws.
Israel-based flavour firm Frutarom has received official organic
certification for the second year running from Quality Assurance
International (QAI) in the US.
US federal regulations on using the term "organic" only went into
full effect on Monday, but they are already rapidly transforming a
niche of the coffee industry and will cost consumers more, experts