Turkey’s food industry has reversed plans that would have led to a fuller exploration of genetic modification (GM), bowing to pressure from a Greenpeace campaign.
Spanish consumers report not knowing much about genetically modified foods, but being very concerned about potential effects on human health, says a new study that suggests more policies are needed to open up the market.
A major change is needed in the way food is produced, handled and disposed of in order to feed the world's rising population and protect the environment as prices are expected to remain volatile, according to a new UN report.
Shareholders are increasingly looking for evidence that a food company has green projects ingrained in the management strategy, says Nizo Food Research, which is organising a workshop on how to make sustainability profitable.
The UK has become increasingly reliant on imported food and its faith in the long-term surety of the global market is misplaced, according to research released by the Soil Association.