Packaging & labelling

Image: Getty/clubfoto

Salt campaigners take aim at meal deal snacks

By Oliver Morrison

Almost three quarters (70%) of snacks included in meal deals sold on the high street are dangerously high in saturated fat, salt and sugar (HFSS), complains new research from Action on Salt, with some contributing to a third of an adult’s maximum daily...

Enviroscore combines 16 environmental impacts into one A-E score

New environmental labelling system unveiled

By Oliver Morrison

Belgium academics have unveiled a new environmental labelling system that enables easy recognition of the degree of environmental sustainability of food and beverages at point of sale.


Food and drink companies join pledge to boost fibre

By Oliver Morrison

Over 20 food and drink brands have pledged their support to increase the amount of fibre in consumer’s diets after backing the Action on Fibre initiative launched by the Food and Drink Federation (FDF).

Image: Getty/Louis Alvarez

European labelling systems added to sustainability database

By Oliver Morrison

HowGood’s Latis ​database, which can rapidly verify the impact of more than 33,000 ingredients and products against 127 key environmental and social impact metrics, has added the EU’s Nutri-Score and French Eco-Score labelling systems into its metrics...

EFSA developing advise on nutritional labelling ahead of planned 2022 European legislation. GettyImages/Goran13

EFSA examines the science behind nutrient profiling

By Katy Askew

EFSA has opened a public dialog on front-of-pack nutritional labelling and health claims as it works to finalise the scientific advice that will help decision makers develop an EU-wide scheme.

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