Researchers at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) and the Integrated Research and Treatment Centre (IFB) at the University Hospital of Leipzig, Germany, claim plasticisers (phthalates) can cause weight gain.
UK supermarket giant Tesco has been found to have “seriously breached” the legally-binding Groceries Supply Code of Practice that was created to protect grocery suppliers.
Vegetables that are deep-fried in extra virgin olive oil contain more healthy phenols and antioxidants than raw or boiled vegetables - important properties that reduce the risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes, Spanish researches have found.
A growing demand for organic food, coupled with healthy eating trends and a preference for premium products, is driving the growth of the natural food preservatives sector, according to a report.
The Great British Food Unit has vowed to “take the world by storm” by boosting overseas exports, potentially creating 5,000 jobs in food and drink manufacturing.
Certain flavours, such as ginger or mint, appeal to older consumers more than younger ones, and should be considered along with texture when targetting seniors in new product development (NPD).
In a plenary vote today Members of European Parliament (MEPs) called for a rethink of rules that could allow up to 30% sugar content in cereal-based baby foods, which could bring the draft legislation back to the drawing board.
Swiss giant Nestlé is one of the most praised global corporations by NGOs - but also one of the most criticised food companies in the world, according to a survey by research organisation SigWatch.
'Green food': Euromonitor's top consumer food trend for 2016
One of 2016’s biggest food industry trends will be the switch to sustainable, says Euromonitor, affecting everything from invisible ingredients to finished products, business acquisitions to public policy – but in consumers' eyes can 'Big Food'...
Adopting a high-fibre diet may not only benefit the microbial profile of the person consuming the diet but also their future children, according to a study in Nature.
EU guidance levels for acrylamide do not protect consumers enough, according to the Danish minister for environment and food, as it sets lower indicative levels for Danish manufacturers.
People who increased the amount they spent on food made healthier choices, ate less energy-dense food and lost weight, which has implications for food taxes and consumer subsidies, say the authors of the long-term Spanish study.
Food and drink manufacturers should adopt ‘activity equivalent’ calorie labelling on their products which show how much activity is needed to burn off the calories in them, according to the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH).
The world’s biggest food companies are too slow in reacting to the double burdens of obesity and undernutrition, says a report that ranks 22 multinationals for their performance in marketing, labelling and nutrition.
The European Commission overstated the cost of mandatory country of origin labelling and must extend it to include lightly processed dairy and meat products such as cheese and sausages, say MEPs in a draft resolution intended to pressure the Commission...
only 1/3 objections tabled were backed by the ENVI Committee
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) accept rules on sugary cereal-based baby food should be revised, but have voted against changing a draft on the marketing of infant formula and medical foods.
Catharine Arnston, founder of the brand Energybits, said she believes her company is the only sports nutrition formulator based solely on whole algae products.
Manufacturers of processed foods containing fruit and milk are eligible for EU funding under a healthy eating programme for schools, approved by the agriculture committee yesterday, but maximum levels for salt, sugar and fat levels may be lowered by the...
High levels of trans fats in Portuguese foods, especially pastry, are contributing to an increased risk of coronary heart disease, cancer and diabetes, according to a study - but processed and packaged pastries are not the worst offenders.
Allergen Safe is an independently-audited accreditation initiative proposed by organisation FreeFrom that allows manufacturers to respond to increasing consumer worries about allergens. But by playing it too safe, do they risk losing market share?
In 2015 prices of the world’s major commodities fell for the fourth year in a row, averaging nearly one fifth (19.1%) lower than in 2014, says the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
Scientists say protein from date seeds could used as an alternative to soy protein isolate or whey protein in foods, however commercial viability needs to be further assessed.
UK consumers bought more Christmas products but opted for cheaper versions of them, IRI data has shown, with traditional retailers feeling the downward price pressure of hard discounters.
Retailers pledge to change misleading products as 13,000 Dutch consumers vote for the worst offender of 2015, but as branded manufacturers have remained silent experts warn they should not become complacent.
More than one third (39%) of UK shoppers say they would eat seafood past its ‘use by’ date, whilst even more (42%) would do the same with poultry – a worrying development according to experts.
People tend to overeat food marketed as healthy because they assume it is less filling but food companies can counter this by portraying food as 'nourishing' or 'wholesome' instead, researchers have found.
The high, sustained satiating effects of food foams are not dependent on its energy and macronutrient content, say researchers in a first-of-its-kind study.
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) will publish maps of all its members’ palm oil plantations – with the exception of Malaysia – in the hope closer monitoring will prevent forest fires and peat land destruction. But is this enough?
It’s that time of the year when we look back and reflect on the highs and lows of the past 12 months – but this time we asked our readers to share some of their professional and personal highlights, as well as what they are looking forward to in 2016. Happy...
The Happy Meal’s concept of offering a small incentive with a meal could be key in persuading consumers to choose smaller portion sizes and promote healthier meal options.
From links with obesity and type 2 diabetes to government taxes, sugar is currently experiencing a backlash. FoodNavigator met up with experts in the field at Food Ingredients Europe (FiE) to ask what this means for industry – is the future sugar-free?
There is a need for public health strategies and products to address Europe's rapidly ageing population – but how easy is it to market such products when nobody wants to admit that they’re getting old?
Nutrition values seen on labels can differ substantially based on the recommended serving size, with consumers buying more of the same product among one of a number of undesirable consumer behaviours, researchers have found.
Private label products have become the trusted brands of today and continuous innovation will ensure they remain so, says one analyst - but could it also hold some promise for brands as well?
It’s a crisis that is costing the UK more than war, terrorism and armed violence according to a 2014 McKinsey & Company report, but if the UK has the opportunity to become a global leader in tackling obesity it is less sure about where to start.
The ‘good for you’ trend in children’s food is growing, and small companies would do well to focus on healthy new product development in order to compete with big players who have the money to reformulate and rebrand, says one analyst.
Following revelations of gross exploitation of workers in the Italian tomato processing industry, the Ethical Trading Initiative is asking food manufacturers to map their supply chains - but Princes is the only one to come forward so far.
Nutritional programmes and interventions are a starting point - but genuine multi-stakeholder involvement is what's required to tackle the world's problem of malnutrition and under nutrition.
Protein via nutrition bars and other delivery modes has driven much of the recent M&A activity in the dietary supplement and functional foods space, experts say.
An afternoon in the company of a provincial Korean mayor clothed in silky blue national dress isn’t the standard recipe for a Tuesday. But he is insistent, and it’s time well spent when you consider the importance to the local economy of what Iksan’s...
A definition of ‘artisan’ products is urgent, says one food law expert, as an Italian court cracks down on two crisps manufacturers falsely claiming to be artisanal.
Tesco is to roll out sugar reduction targets to its own-label suppliers in new categories of food and drink in the New Year, following the success it has achieved in healthier reformulation of children’s soft drinks, its group quality director Tim Smith...
Evolva will begin producing valencene orange flavour through fermentation allowing for large scale production at a fraction of the cost of traditional extraction methods, it says.
The European Commission’s standing committee meets today to discuss whether or not to renew approval for glyphosate. Chances are the controversial herbicide will get the green light. Should the food industry step in and apply its own ban?