Traditionally high cholesterol is known to be harmful, now a recent
study has found that too low cholesterol is associated with adverse
behavioural effects...
High levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) are present in some
overweight children, a new study finds. CRP is a substance that
indicates to doctors the presence...
A new report into the dietary recommendations for iron stresses the
importance of including meat, fish and poultry in the diet as the
best readily-absorbed...
A cow resistant to the damaging mastitis disease might save the
dairy industry millions of dollars. Researchers at the University
of Vermont (UVM) in...
Canadian dairy food company, PurNutra Inc., is due to launch this
week a new Omega-3/ DHA enriched cheese. The cheese line,
distributed in the U.S under...
According to researchers at Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. a healthy
human body must have between 180 and 240 milligrams of cholesterol
per 100 millilitres...
Maternal diet can influence a babies taste for certain foods,
recent researchpublished in the New Scientist, suggests. A team of
scientists at the EuropeanCentre...
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural
ResearchService (ARS) have investigated a variety of broccoli to
discover if theyinduce...
Avocados may help our liver, so announced a group of Japanese
researchers thisweek at the Pacifichem 2000 in Honolulu, hosted by
the American ChemicalSociety....
Beer, our ertswhile companion, apparently contains powerful
anti-oxidants thatmay reduce the risk of cataracts and heart
disease, according to two newstudies....
Eating honey may help the seasonal hangover, according to the
NationalHeadache Foundation. " Honey on a cracker or piece of
toast, before or afterdrinking,...
A daily bowl of "tom yum gung", Thailand's celebrated spicy shrimp
soup, mighthelp keep the doctor away, the Bangkok Post reported
this week. According...
British men and women eat differently, according to a new survey
announcedthis week. Researchers at the University College in London
studied the dietsof...
Increased intake of folic acid and B-12 through diet or supplements
may helpreduce the "bad" amino acid homocysteine and help us live
longer, recentresearch...
A blend of 18 Chinese herbs may help erectile dysfunction, a recent
studysuggests. Scientists at the UC San Francisco School of
Medicine tested theherbal...
A process to make ground meat more tender may also make it safer to
eat,according to researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture,
A consumer activist group urged U.S. regulators on Tuesday to halt
what it said were misleading claims by health-food makers that
garlic supplements will...
A scientific advisory panel to the US Environmental Protection
Agency has found that there is a "medium likelihood" that the
genetically-engineered StarLink...
Garlic could help combat cancer, a new study suggests. Researchers
at UK Wolverhampton University have been looking into the plant's
healing powers and...
Forbes Medi-Tech Inc., a US nutraceutical and pharmaceutical
company, announced this week the development of a "designer oil"
that reduces LDL("bad")...
Polybind, a European project to investigate the benefits of
polyphenols on colon health has received funding under the Fifth
Framework Programme. The...
Both Vitamin E and Vitamin C can help prevent cataracts, according
to a recent health study. The cataract condition is believed to be
age-related and...
A glass of wine or Japanese sake rice wine may help brain function
for the over 40's, a new study carried out in Japan suggests. In a
four-year study...
In the U.S leading cancer researchers have agreed to help teach a
university course this spring that explores the health benefits of
fruits and Vegetables,...
A species of sea squirt may some day play a critical role in
fighting cancer, Onhealth reports this week. A particular form of
sea squirt has been discovered...
Supplements of natural lutein esters may reduce the risk of
blindness in later life, a new study suggests. Scientists at the
University Medical Centre...
Creatine, a food supplement frequently used by professional and
amateur athletes, may prevent brain damage following traumatic
brain injury, a new study...
According to a recent study iron levels in the body may be linked
to heart attacks and strokes. Researchers at the Japanese Kurume
University School of...
Being overweight and having high blood pressure can independently
increase a man's of developing kidney cancer, according to a new
study. Combined research...
Researchers at U.S.-based Naturally Vitamins in Arizona claim that
the amino acid, citrulline, may provide a superior support to
enhance "male performance"....
Research at the Australian science institute, CSIRO, has shown that
antioxidants in green tea can lower cholesterol in rabbits by
increasing the quantity...
Canadian company Formbes Medi-Tech Inc. announced the first
consumer product test market launches in Australia and the U.S
containing its phytosterol-based...
Low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol may be
linked with hearing loss in men, researchers from Iwate Medical
University, Japan suggested...
Wine may help reduce the risk of developing colon cancer, a recent
study suggests. Researchers at the State University of New York
recorded lifestyle...
Moderate amounts of java may protect you from Parkinson's disease
(PD), reported Harvard University researchers this week. Among
nearly 50,000 men who...
Wheat germ, bran and other whole grains may reduce a woman's risk
of a stroke by nearly 50 per cent, according to a recent study.
Researchers at Brigham...
A new variety of sweet potato selected by scientists at the
International Potato Centre (CIP) in Peru could help to prevent
millions of cases of blindness...
Women who eat lots of whole-grain foods can significantly reduce
their risk of strokes, according to a recent study. Researchers at
Harvard University...
Beans could be among red wine and colourful fruits, berries and
vegetables as nutritious cancer- and heart disease-fighting foods,
U.S. Department of...
The Australia New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA) announced this
month that its review into the current prohibition of health claims
on food in Australia...
Abnormal low-density lipoprotein (LDL), lipid composition and
anti-oxidant content are associated with an increased
susceptibility to oxidation of LDL...
Cooking carrots may boost their antioxidant power, a new study
revealed last month. Researchers at the University of Arkansas
heated carrots with and...
Nearly two-fifths of the U.S population may be deficient in Vitamin
B12, according to a recent study. Researchers involved in the
ongoing Framingham (Massachusetts)...
The cocoa bean shell is a good source of insoluble fibre, according
to a study carried out at the University of Toronto in Canada.
Researchers tested...