Food safety recall round-up 11-17 March 2016
Carbaryl levels exceeded
Luxembourg: Colruyt Belgique and Luxembourg, Collect&Go and OKay have withdrawn Minneolas 1.5kg from stores due to high levels of carbaryl.
They were sold between 7-10/3/2016 and have best before dates 21-22-25/03/2016.
For mineolas with expiry date 21/3: the code is VO-16-06619, for expiry date of 22/3: the code is VO-16-06641
and for date 25/3: the code is VO-16-06739.
Carbaryl is an insecticide and repeated ingestion may cause headache, muscle paralysis, nausea, abdominal cramps, sweating and agitation.