Food Waste

Diverting food waste from landfill could save food firms up to 45% of costs

Food waste remains a costly problem

By Rick Pendrous

Food manufacturers could increase their profits by over 10%, simply by more effectively using the waste they generate, claims a specialist food recycling organisation.

World Environment Day should be used to celebrate natural resources and acknowledge the work of farmers, but also draw focus on the role the global food sector has to play, says Food Tank chief

World Environment Day - June 5 2014 - Driving action on climate change

Sustainable food: Cut the greenwashing and act now, says Food Tank

By Kacey Culliney

Food manufacturers don’t understand the urgency of sustainability and need to act faster, but also communicate actions better with consumers, says the president of global NGO Food Tank.

Food waste ‘one of the great paradoxes of our times’

Food waste ‘one of the great paradoxes of our times’


The 1.3bn tonnes of food wasted throughout the supply chain each year could feed as many as two billion people without any additional impact on the environment, the Food and Agriculture Organisation has said.


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