Diet and health

Financial reward only helps stop bad eating habits

By Tracy West

Giving people money to encourage healthier lifestyles only works in the longer term when designed to stop negative behaviour rather than promote positive choices, suggests research from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

The human body has the same neurones in the brain and receptors in the brain and gut, say the researchers - suggesting that the mechanism may result in 'compensation' after consuming food and drink containing zero-calorie sweeteners.

Brain hormone could help distinguish sugar and zero calorie sweeteners

By Nathan Gray

Fruit flies have a set of neurones that fire only when they encounter real sugar – triggering the release of a hormone that is not released when they eat a non-calorific sweetener. And researchers suggest that humans possess the same ‘molecular machinery’.

“The over-consumption of sugar in our diets is now a well-documented public health disaster. But in order to address this problem, there is a vast range of other issues that must be addressed,

UK has 'moral responsibility' to limit EU sugar reform damage

By Niamh Michail

The end of EU sugar beet quotas could worsen the obesity crisis and damage the livelihoods of sugar cane growers and producers – and as an ex-colonial power Britain has a moral responsibility to act, says a report by the Food Research Collaboration.

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

By Nathan Gray

Consumption of a sugar-sweetened drink on a daily basis may be associated with an increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), say researchers.

85% of fruit snack products analysed by Action on Sugar contained more sugar than Haribo Starmix sweets

Kids’ fruit snacks criticised for high sugar content


Many fruit snacks aimed at children contain more sugar than confectionery – but could be misconstrued as ‘healthy’ because of their association with real fruit, according to pressure group Action on Sugar.

Can we really price people out of the market for unhealthy foods?

Obesity: Are food taxes the answer?


Food taxes were raised again last week as a way to help stem obesity rates – but are they really necessary? And would they work?

UK minister warns industry over sugar tax

UK minister warns industry over sugar tax

By Nathan Gray

Food and drink manufacturers and retailers could be forced to pay a sugar tax if they continue to sell unhealthy food, a UK minister has warned.

Chewing gum linked to girl's death

By Niamh Michail

Chewing gum may have been responsible for the death of a 19-year old girl – but there is little evidence to suggest artificial sweeteners were at fault, a UK inquest found yesterday.

The review looked at different ways of modifying initial food choices and found three key elements in each context: Make healthy foods convenient, attractive and normal.

Three ways to encourage healthy eating anywhere

By Niamh Michail

Yes we can: By making healthy food choices Convenient, Attractive and Normal companies and policy-makers can foster healthy eating habits in all contexts, say researchers.

Nutrition labelling alone not effective in comparison study

Front-of-pack labels are equally effective - but none works alone

By Niamh Michail

Front-of-pack labelling can be useful but health policy-makers are naïve if they think that this alone will result in healthier food choices, say researchers -  environment, motivation and psychology must be actively influenced too.

Japan’s low carb consumption makes it lightest of all G8 nations


Japan’s low carb consumption makes it lightest of all G8 nations

By RJ Whitehead

An analysis of the G8 nations has highlighted striking differences in calories and other macronutrients purchased from packaged food in these countries with Mediterranean and Japanese diets being the healthiest, according to Euromonitor.

Who is responsible for battling the big issues in food?

Who is responsible for battling the big issues in food?

By Nathan Gray

From obesity to malnutrition and water scarcity, the world is facing an ever-growing number of food-related problems. But how responsible is the food industry for fighting back against these issues?

More than a myth: The science behind the Mediterranean diet

More than a myth: The science behind the Mediterranean diet

By Niamh Michail

The benefits of the Mediterranean diet have been firmly established – we all know that we should eatmore fresh fruit and vegetables, use olive oil, eat whole grains, nuts and pulses, a few dairy products and a little meat – but why do we know it?FoodNavigator...

The company would like to intensify growth in Europe and Asia, it said.

Barentz reveals expansion plans after gaining added funds

By Joyeeta Basu

On the back of a deal with a ‘strong’ equity partner, Barentz International will use the additional funds to accelerate growth in its key markets in Europe, India, China and Asia Pacific, it said.

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