Healthy foods

'Value has been torn out of the UK milk market in recent years, as a result of the grocery retailer price wars': Mintel

How food industry can boost milk’s value: fortify it

By Michael Stones

Fortified milk could help to boost the value of milk sales, despite supermarket price war slashing the price of the white stuff to as little as 89p for a four pint bottle, according to new research from market research organisation Mintel.

“Surprisingly, findings show that strategies used to save money – such as buying groceries in bulk, monthly shopping trips, preference for supermarkets and cooking from scratch – actually end up generating more food waste,” wrote the team.

Researchers take aim at food-waste in the home

By Nathan Gray

The top causes of food waste in homes include buying too much, preparing in abundance, unwillingness to consume leftovers, and improper food storage, say researchers from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.

Sustainable Foods Summit Coop Anglamark

Sustainable Foods Summit: ‘Being responsible can be a competitive advantage’

Denmark private label marketing strategy pays off as it moves into baby products

By Jenny Eagle

Coop Denmark is celebrating the success of its private label organic brand, Anglamark, but says if it expects to stay in the market it demands investment, brand protection and innovation, with plans to launch a baby product range soon.

Raw food on the rise

Raw food on the rise


The trend toward raw foods is being driven by a growing group of consumers looking for ‘clean food’ – not just those who consider themselves raw foodists, says Teresa Havrlandova, founder of raw food firm Lifefood.

85% of fruit snack products analysed by Action on Sugar contained more sugar than Haribo Starmix sweets

Kids’ fruit snacks criticised for high sugar content


Many fruit snacks aimed at children contain more sugar than confectionery – but could be misconstrued as ‘healthy’ because of their association with real fruit, according to pressure group Action on Sugar.

How can industry warm the Western palate to eating insects?

By Niamh Michail

To sell insects to Western consumers, food manufacturers must create products that align ethical motivations with sensory expectations – meaning cricket-flour cookies will fare better than chocolate-coated crickets. 

Plant-based alternatives to meat include soy, cheese, eggs, nuts, mushrooms and pulses with advances in food technology meaning taste and texture is almost on a par with real meat.

Flexitarians fuel innovation in vegetarian food

By Niamh Michail

Vegetarians are enjoying a wide range of packaged food– but it's their flexitarian friends who are fuelling innovation in the taste and texture of plant-based meat alternatives.

Taxation necessary to offset rising cost of a healthy diet

By Niamh Michail

The price of fruit and vegetables in the UK has tripled in the past 30 years, while the price of ice cream has halved – a pattern being repeated across the developing world which is fuelling the global obesity crisis.

The review looked at different ways of modifying initial food choices and found three key elements in each context: Make healthy foods convenient, attractive and normal.

Three ways to encourage healthy eating anywhere

By Niamh Michail

Yes we can: By making healthy food choices Convenient, Attractive and Normal companies and policy-makers can foster healthy eating habits in all contexts, say researchers.

Organic NPD vital to survive mainstream 'healthification'

By Niamh Michail

The organic sector has cultivated a culture of ethical awareness among consumers that conventional manufacturers are now cashing in on – and new product development is vital for the sector to retain its value, say experts.

Organic breaks social class barriers

Organic breaks social class barriers

By Niamh Michail

With working class households making up nearly one third of sales, organic is no longer a middle-class preserve - and some say it is even fueling Britain's 'foodie' culture.

Chilled pasta took 28% of the total Western European pasta market last year, compared to 25% five years earlier

Packaged food sales increase in ‘two-speed’ Western Europe


The Western European packaged food market has grown 5% since 2009, with chilled pasta, sustainable foods and frozen yoghurt leading the way, according to Euromonitor International – but Europe is still a divided market.

Coconut spreads in Europe may be lacking the backing of big brands, said the report.

Coconut oils and spreads on trend in Europe

By Joyeeta Basu

Coconut oil could be on trend in Europe as saturated fats are no longer regarded to be as harmful for heart health as they were, a Mintel report has said.

 The company said it will shift to more premium products to remain competitive in 2015.

Unilever share price soars as sales rise 12%

By Joyeeta Basu

Unilever share prices surged more than 4% within a few hours of the company announcing that its first quarter sales had risen 12.3% to €12.8bn, exceeding expectations.

Nearly a quarter (23%) of French consumers said low-salt and low-sugar products were a priority for foods eaten on the run

French consumers seek healthier on-the-go foods


France may be notorious for its leisurely lunch breaks but less structured ways of eating are taking root, with a third of consumers saying they often eat on the run, according to an Ipsos poll.

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