
Quiz: Are you sustainable sourcing savvy?

Quiz: Are you sustainable sourcing savvy?

By Niamh Michail

How clued up are you on all the issues surrounding sustainable sourcing - and how closely have you been reading FoodNavigator? Take our quiz and find out!

“Surprisingly, findings show that strategies used to save money – such as buying groceries in bulk, monthly shopping trips, preference for supermarkets and cooking from scratch – actually end up generating more food waste,” wrote the team.

Researchers take aim at food-waste in the home

By Nathan Gray

The top causes of food waste in homes include buying too much, preparing in abundance, unwillingness to consume leftovers, and improper food storage, say researchers from the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.

Raw food on the rise

Raw food on the rise


The trend toward raw foods is being driven by a growing group of consumers looking for ‘clean food’ – not just those who consider themselves raw foodists, says Teresa Havrlandova, founder of raw food firm Lifefood.

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

Daily sugary drink habit linked to liver disease

By Nathan Gray

Consumption of a sugar-sweetened drink on a daily basis may be associated with an increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), say researchers.

Over 80% of food companies said they were exposed to water risks which could have a substantive impact on business operations, according to a 2014 CDP survey.

Food industry unprepared for water shortages

By Niamh Michail

The food industry – the most water-intensive business on earth - is unprepared for global water shortages, according to a report which ranks the best and worst offending companies for their water management.

Angelique Delahaye, MEP from the coservative European People's Party (EPP) said:

MEPs adopt EU alcohol resolution

By Niamh Michail

MEPs adopted a resolution on calorie content of alcoholic drinks yesterday, a move welcomed by industry and stakeholders across Europe who hope it will spur the Commission into legislating.

Confusing food labels are named and shamed on Twitter

By Niamh Michail

A Spanish consumer rights group has launched a naming and shaming Twitter campaign after it found one third of consumers surveyed has bought the wrong product due to confusing food labels.

When companies try to be cool: A lesson in 'wackaging'

By Niamh Michail

Wackaging – using cute and quirky language on a product’s packaging – seems to be everywhere. But with consumers becoming increasingly cynical, should manufacturers stop trying to be cool?

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