Chocolate and confectionery ingredients

How UK brands are reformulating to avoid the HFSS ad ban

How UK brands are reformulating to avoid the HFSS ad ban

By Oliver Morrison

UK food brands are currently digesting planned government legislation coming next year which will prevent marketing and advertising of HFSS being shown on TV (pre-9pm) and online from 2022 and limit where these products can be placed in bricks and mortar...

Can reformulation answer the mounting public health crisis? IGD shares industry perspectives / Pic: Getty Images Liountmila Korelidou

What does the future hold for reformulation?

By Hannah Pearse, Head of Nutrition and Scientific Affairs at IGD

With the impending publication of part two of the National Food Strategy in the UK, IGD convened major retailers, manufacturers, food service companies and members of the National Food Strategy team to discuss reformulation, the challenges, and opportunities....

GettyImages-Micha Wolf

Nestlé’s net zero roadmap: ‘We have no time to lose’

By Katy Askew

Swiss food giant Nestlé wants to halve its emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050. “We have no time to lose,” CEO Mark Schneider told journalists at an event detailing how the company plans to get there.

Pic: GettyImages/LoveTheWind

Sugar reduction scheme a ‘Soviet-style diktat’

By Oliver Morrison

Critics have rounded on the UK government’s voluntary sugar reduction plan -- which calls for a 20% cut from the food industry in key products by the end of this year -- after a report revealed it is heading for failure.

The technology brings natural taste performance in dairy products, enabling up to 50% sugar reduction in yogurt and other dairy products without the use of sweeteners. Pic: Firmenich

Firmenich and Novozymes partner on sugar reduction

By Jim Cornall

Firmenich, the world’s largest privately-owned perfume and taste company, and Danish biological solution leader Novozymes, have launched their new, jointly-developed natural sugar reduction solution: TasteGEM SWL with Saphera lactase.


Ground-breaking trial gives new hope for peanut allergies

By Oliver Morrison

A trial suggests that oral immunotherapy treatment, which involves repeated exposure over time to gradually increase doses of the allergen, could allow sufferers to increase their tolerance to peanuts. They would not be able to eat nuts at will, but their...