
Is seasonal eating making a comeback? GettyImages/alle12

Is seasonal eating making a comeback?

By Donna Eastlake

From Egyptian potatoes to Mexican strawberries, the European food system operates on a whatever you want, whenever you want it, basis. But are consumers turning away from international imports and instead embracing local produce?

A range of fruits can be used as the basis for sweeteners. Image Source: John Wang/Getty Images

Health and taste from fruit-based sweeteners

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Fruit has been used for sweetness in Europe since before we even knew about refined sugar. It’s still in widespread use as the basis for sweeteners.

Growers throw a lot of healthy fruit and veg away. Image Source: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images

How Oddbox is combatting food waste in the UK

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Every year, 4.5 million tonnes of fruit and vegetables are thrown away in the UK. But this isn’t just by consumers – often it’s by growers as well, before they’ve even sold their produce. Sometimes this is because the fruit and veg are too big, sometimes...

Naturally occurring sugars and 'free' sugars have a profoundly different effect on health. Source: Julia_Sudnitskaya/Getty Images

The difference between natural and ‘free’ sugars

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

We all know that eating fruit is better for us than eating doughnuts. One is essential to keep us healthy, the other, perhaps, nearly essential to avoid. However, both doughnuts and most fruits are high in sugar, an ingredient widely considered to lead...

©GettyImages / ImageSource

Organic apples good for gut health: study

By Oliver Morrison

Everyone knows an apple a day keeps the doctor away. They may also store intriguing benefits for the gut, suggests new research, with the organic variety having the edge over standard apples.

Urban farming gains commercial scale ©iStock/Droits d'auteur nautiluz56

Urban farming could reinvent supply chains

By Katy Askew

Urban farming has the potential to disrupt produce supply chains, bringing production to population centres. While the development of a large-scale urban farming industry is still in its infancy, new technologies and growing public backing mean that urban...


What's the cost of rising demand for superfoods?

By Niamh Michail

Demand for superfoods like avocados and blueberries has exploded in recent years. But what's the impact on global food dynamics and can production keep up with demand? A Rabobank analyst weighs in.

Confiture ReBelle on a mission to tackle food waste

Confiture ReBelle on a mission to tackle food waste

By Katy Askew

Start-up French jam maker Confiture ReBelle is a mission-based company that aims to reduce food waste in the country by shortening the supply chain and empowering citizens. ReBelle's Louise Le Duigou speaks to FoodNavigator about how the group plans...

Continent wide shortage of fresh winter vegetables means more business for frozen and processed suppliers ©iStock

EU vegetable shortage: Crisis or opportunity?

By Louis Gore-Langton

Weather conditions continue to mar vegetable production in some of the EU’s foremost growing regions – but is this a blessing in disguise for the processed food sector?

Seeds and skin: boosting natural credientials for smoothies and other foods & beverages. Pic:iStock

‘My grandmother always told me: ‘Don’t peel your apple, the best part is in the skin’

Smoothies turn to seeds to boost natural positioning

By Rachel Arthur

In an effort for products to appear as close to natural as possible, beverage producers are turning more and more to ingredients complete with skin, seeds and fruit flesh. 

Perceptions of what an 'imperfect' product is can depend on whether the ocnsumer is in the home or at the supermarket.  © iStock

Fighting food waste with the right price discount

By Niamh Michail

Selling wonky vegetables or a dented tin on tomatoes at a discount can help reduce food waste - but the price reduction must be aligned with the product and its flaw, say researchers.

Carrots can offer different levels of sweetness & color: watch the video to learn more

Stealth carrots: How veggies are finding victory in F&B

By Rachel Arthur

Carrots might look dull compared to trendy super fruits and leafy vegetables, but the humble vegetable is in demand as a subtle but powerful nutritional boost, as consumers seek to increase their vegetable intake. 

Sustainability and farming: SVZ Ingredients

What does sustainability mean to you?

By Rachel Arthur

Successful sustainability initiatives need to consider how farmers work and think, and involve co-operation between all parties, says SVZ International.


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