
Gut-health: Why this consumer trend is here to stay. GettyImages/Meeko Media

Gut health: Why this consumer trend is here to stay

By Donna Eastlake

Consumer appetite for gut-health friendly foods shows no signs of abating as understanding of its impact on overall health continues to grow. But how will this trend evolve and grow in the future?

Researchers in Italy and Germany have sought to better understand hemp's nutritional potential in food. GettyImages/ollo

Is hemp the next functional food in vegetarian nutrition?

By Natasha Spencer-Joilliffe

As regulatory restrictions ease, researchers studying Cannabis sativa L. identify its nutritional benefits and potential in vegetarian diets while highlighting the need for clarity on the safety of some concentrated extracts.

Is a high-protein diet damaging to heart health? GettyImages/MarsBars

Is a high-protein diet damaging to heart health?

By Donna Eastlake

From building lean muscle to repairing body tissue, protein has been proven to provide a multitude of benefits. But could too much protein be damaging to your heart?

Tackling texture of plant-based proteins. GettyImages/Jovana Stojanovic

Tackling texture of plant-based proteins with non-UPF discovery

By Donna Eastlake

‘Dry’, ‘chalky’ and even 'gritty' are just some of the less than favourable words used to describe the texture of plant-based proteins. However, scientists at the University of Copenhagen believe they have discovered the secret to significantly...

Cheddar cheese contains abundance of salt, according to campaign group Action on Salt. Image Source: Getty Images/J Shepherd

Does cheese contain too much salt?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Most hard cheeses contain an abundance of salt according to campaign group Action on Salt. But is this too much? And how easy is it for cheese producers to cut down on salt content?

The campaign showed success, in spite of the setbacks linked to the declining plant-based market and the cost-of-living crisis. Image Source: Getty Images/ArtMarie

Veganuary 2024: Success or failure?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Veganuary has historically led to a significant uptick in consumption of vegan food products. However, with the plant-based sector in decline, and a cost-of-living crisis sweeping much of the world, can the early-year vegan fervour continue apace?

Could a plant-based diet prevent chronic diseases in women? GettyImages/Daria Kulkova

Could a plant-based diet prevent chronic diseases in women?

By Donna Eastlake

Plant-based diets are proving hugely popular amongst men and women across the globe, with everything from animal cruelty to environmental impact being cited as the reason. But could the plant-based way of life also prevent against chronic diseases in...

When passing its ban on cultivated meat, Italy did not go through the TRIS procedure. Image Source: Getty Images/sergeyryzhov

The future of Italy’s cultivated meat ban

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Last year, Italy attempted to ban cultivated meat production and the marketing of cultivated meat products. However, the law has come into difficulty for its failure to go through the right procedures at EU level.

Image Source: Getty Images/D-Keine

NPD Trend Tracker: From mandarin orange juice to AI-generated recipes

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

In this week's NPD Trend Tracker, we see how high orange juice prices have led to the development of mandarin orange juice, and the rise of generative AI has led to the creation of an AI cookbook. Furthermore, we see a rebranding from Mallow &...

The terms 'vegan,' 'vegetarian' and 'plant-based' are not legally defined. Image Source: Getty Images/Vincent Ryan

'Vegan' labels don't always mean free from animal products

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Despite common public understanding that the word ‘vegan’ means free from animal products, there is no legally binding definition for the term in the UK and EU. This means that products labelled ‘vegan’ can contain trace amounts of eggs or dairy. Furthermore,...

The study found that most consumers perceived the supermarket as associated with norms related to meat consumption. Image Source: Giselleflissak/Getty Images

How do 'norms perceptions' relate to meat consumption habits?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Norm perceptions – what one perceives as ‘normal’ – differs between both individuals and groups of consumers, including when it comes to meat consumption. One’s meat consumption habits can affect these perceptions. A new study explores how different groups...

Many consumers now value broth for its health benefits. Image Source: RUSS ROHDE/Getty Images

Protein, collagen, non-UPF: Bone broth as a functional food

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Broth has been used for centuries as a component of traditional meals such as soups and stews. But many consumers are now attracted to it for a different reason – it has a range of health benefits, and is non-UPF (ultra-processed food). Startup Freja...

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